
Spotify for everyone

The name of the platform is SPOTIFY; SPOT AND IDENTIFY. “We want our people to feel a strong sense of belonging, regardless of what group they identify with.” - Spotify

Spotify is music - music is for everyone so - Spotify for everyone.

Music is often seen as an integral part of our self identity so we want to create a campaign around the fact that Spotify is a platform for everyone and that everyone can be who or what group they identify as or with, through different kinds of music.

But this doesn’t have to be same as what people expect from the way people look. Spotify is inclusive and doesn’t judge by appearance. We live in a world where judging people by their appearance or putting them into boxes unfortunately, is very normal.

So we want to create a vulnerable/impactful campaign with content (video/photo) of different kinds of people and them telling the world what kind of music they like to prefer to listen to. The content is supposed to be in contrast with what people would expect of their appearances (stereotyping).