
Like the old days

Due to the strong negotiating position of large manufacturer brands, these brands are better able to negotiate a higher
price. This creates the strange situation that local products become cheaper than other (private) labels. Strange becaus weirdly enough, products we get from close by tend to by more expensive than products form the other side of the
world. Due to the higher costs of transports and the negotiation power of large manufacturers this balance seems to be
restored somewhat: local is now the cheaper option.

The local focus of PLUS supermarkets matches with the needs of consumers. But PLUS is also generally seen as an
expensive supermarket. In combination with the cost-of-living crisis, this is a difficult fact. The assumption is: local =expensive, but can PLUS proof otherwise given these new circumstances?

Video idea:

Just like the old days, local products are now the more affordable option again. Plus' own line of local products called 'GIJS' stands for from local ground. At Plus you can therefore buy products from local farmers, bakers and butchers for an affordable price, even cheaper than imported products.

We will create a video campaign where in a emotional and nostalgic way is hows how daily grocery shopping was done in the past. A boy about 12 years old, in a rural village for example goes by the butcher, baker and the vegetable and milkman. Everyone knows him and he collects all these fresh, nice looking, local products.

This is not much different today, except that all local products are for sale in the same place: the local Plus store. We will show the same person grocery shopping a second time, but then in his adult years. He buys the same products from the same farmers etc. but this time he buys everything in the same place, the Plus supermarket. What has also not changed: the affordable prices of the local products. These are still the cheapest; this will be highlighted
in the video



We are deploying an old SRV-Bus to promote the local Plus products. This PR activation should evoke a nostalgic feeling to the local residents, especially in the target group 40+ years old. The bus will run (for example) for 2 months, every Saturday morning driving around and stopping in the neighborhoods of Plus supermarkets. The bus will be filled with the local Plus products.

Just like in the old days, popping in to buy a piece of cheese from a local farmer or some locally grown fruit: perfect to complement the Saturday morning breakfast.

Optional: every Saturday a farmer, baker, butcher can be found in the bus who can inform consumers about products, advantageous prices and other relevant information. To reduce the gap between the entrepreneur and the consumer.
