
Clarins Life-Care

The way you live life has a big influence on your skin. A long night at work or in the club. A daily walk through the polluted city air. Or working a stressful job. It all shows on our skin. Avoiding all what’s bad is impossible. So protecting is the way to go. But since every day is different. So should be your caring routine. Therefore we believe our products aren’t just skin care. They are life-care. A personal care routine, based on the day-to-day needs of your skin.

In this campaign we’ll stress how daily life can affect your skin by giving situation-based, personal product advice. We are going to communicate in places that affect your skin, such as stressful places (Amsterdam Zuidas) and places with a higher air pollution index (cities versus country fields

Activate people in the most impactful places


To activate people in the streets, we’ll choose the most skin-harming places to place our pop-up advice stores. Think about the most air-polluted cross road, the most stressful place in the Netherlands or the city with the most sunlight. Here, we’ll place pop-ups of our store, with people advising on how to take care of your skin based on the living circumstances.

         Air pollution index NL