
De BuurtBox

Due to the strong negotiating position of large manufacturer brands, these brands are better able to negotiate a higher
price. This creates the strange situation that local products become cheaper than other (private) labels. Strange because
weirdly enough, products we get from close by tend to by more expensive than products form the other side of the
world. Due to the higher costs of transports and the negotiation power of large manufacturers this balance seems to be restored somewhat: local is now the cheaper option.

The local focus of PLUS supermarkets matches with the needs of consumers. But PLUS is also generally seen as an
expensive supermarket. In combination with the cost-of-living crisis, this is a difficult fact. The assumption is: local =
expensive, but can PLUS proof otherwise given these new circumstances?

The packages only include local products. Beef from the cows that you see grazing nearby, bread from the bakery in the village and vegetables, fruit and herbs came from the farmer around the corner.

Local products from local ground, this is how it used to be back in the days. To emphasize the local entrepreneurs and give it the 'feel' of the past, the packages will be packed with a local Plus newspaper. In this the newspaper, the farmers (etc.) will be given a face and their location will be shown on a map. The packaging will be adapted to the latest developments of the local farmers and seasonal products in the village/area and if necessary, the newspapers will be different per city or village.
The newspapers also serve as sustainable biodegradable packaging material.