
Luxury snackwall

Price matters - especially in times of crisis. But this does not mean that consumers want to compromise on quality. When
it comes to more indulgent categories: a treat still needs to feel like a treat. The key is convincing consumers that the
high quality products that PLUS offers provide the best possible value – even if that means paying a little more.
These small treats and indulgences are important to guide consumers through difficult times. So the 'Good food'
proposition could be the perfect way in to get our Poach audience to visit an Plus supermarket for self-indulgence
The bigger the crisis, the bigger the emphasis on price. But times of crisis don't call for low prices alone. It's about
spending your money in the best possible way. And sometimes this doesn't mean saving up but spending a little more for quality products that make you feel a little better.


In times of crisis, consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods instead of buying expensive luxury goods. So for example: instead of going out for dinner, people will look for the luxury goods at Plus to make them feel a little better.

Luckily Plus has a lot of these luxury goods to offer and we want to make them visible by adding them into a luxury snackwall for people to notice and ofcourse, taste them. In the end, isn’t snacking the first thing people do to make themselves feel better? The snackwall will consist small culinary dishes made from Plus products and of course the recipes will be added too. 

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